Monday, August 23, 2010

Who went and gave you a finance blog anyway......

So, here we are, and you are probably wondering, who am I?  Meaning me, though you might be pondering the who'ness of yourself, and that's OK too.  I want to tell you who I am, in theory, because some think that might increase the possibility of your taking some of what is say seriously.  Just some.  So, without further ado, I give you me. 

I have long had an interest in finances.  From an early age I was aware of some financial struggles within my own family growing up and the necessity to deal with money wisely.  I found the love of my life relatively early, and at age 22 found myself married, in college, with a child on the way, and trying to figure out how this money thing worked when you had a family.

When it was just me, money was easy enough.  I paid for everything in cash, set aside money for savings, paid the bills, and that was that.  I didn't have or need a credit card.  My first car was paid for in cash (not much though, neither cash nor car).

It was with the introduction of the spouse that money became more difficult.  Not because she was an out of control Gucci mango shampoo buying fanatic.  Quite to the contrary.  My wife is great with money. In fact, she is even more frugal than I am.  It was more that when you took me, and added my spouse, ME + SPOUSE, we ended up with INTEREST.  Now we have five little INTEREST's, and apparently they cost money.

In college managing money became more than an issue, it became first an interest, then a love.  I switched from an Economics degree to Family Finance, and before I graduated with my bachelors degree I was working full time for an agency providing housing and credit counseling to low income families to help them prepare to purchase a home. At the same time I found myself working for a HUD certified counseling agency and the local chapter of habitat for humanity.  Soon the family finance bug spilled over into other areas of my life until I was teaching financial principles at work, school, and even at church.  I returned to school to complete a masters degree in Consumer Science.  My experience lies in loan processing, budgeting, personal finance education, credit counseling, foreclosure prevention, and home buyer education.

Now, that we know what I am, and kind of who I am, let's cover what I am not.  I am not an accountant.  I am not a life insurance agent, or a bankruptcy lawyer, or a Realtor.  I do not sell financial products, and will not be offering any big tips on the next hot stock.  If you are any of the above, that is great!  I look forward to hearing from you as well.

Now, it's time for me to make like the stock market and dive.

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